October 29, 2009

Nothing Says "I Love You" Like Good Hygiene

"Nothing says 'I love you' like good hygiene." That's what the latest Target coupon flier tells me. A coupon flier I never requested be put in my mailbox.

I'm also told that "Anxiety and laundry detergent should be strangers to one another" and that "Moisturizing is like a vacation for your skin".

Who is writing this junk?! And more importantly, are there any women who actually buy into this ridiculous, insulting, condescending style of marketing?

I don't know who Target's target customer base is, but if they're targeting me, they've missed the mark by a mile.

Oops, do I sound bitter? Perhaps I should heed the gospel according to Target and open up a bottle of Snuggle. After all, "Sometimes happiness is as simple as a good fabric softener."
