March 03, 2006

Et tu, Baby?

I thought that we were the exception, you and I.
That our bond, spectacular and incomprehensible, would make a difference.
I see now that it was hubris to expect that you would leap-frog over your preordained curriculum for my benefit.
For in spite of the endless rounds of "You Are My Sunshine",
in spite of the grocery carts I abandoned half-full because you were tired,
in spite of the homemade baby food, the 2,501 faked pratfalls, and the time I went out at 4:00 in the morning (unfit for a dog fight) because you somehow outgrew your diapers in your sleep,
in spite of all the times I let you poke me in the eye to satisfy your curiosity...
Here they are. Your first words. Pure and deliberate...
"Hi, Dadda."


Anonymous said...

I forgot to warn you that children usually say Daddy first. It's easier or something. Colleen was crushed for months that Matthew said dada first. By the time Patrick came around, she was forewarned. Hang in there!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Great title! but if you want loyalty, get a dog.
(I have two.)
Love you,
Linda Martin, RN
Gladbrook Pediatrics