August 23, 2007

La Cosa Nostra

"All done with your bath, Little One. Time to put your lotion on." (I said)

"I can do it." (replied my two year-old)

"Oh, that's Mama's job. Mama will do it." (me again)

"I want to do it." (my two year-old)

"I'm sure you do, but Mama's going to do it."

"But I'm going to do it."

"Honey, Mama will put your lotion on."


"No, Child, I will do it."

"No, Mama, I will do it."

"I will do it... I'm the boss." (I said firmly, and a touch exasperated)

"I'm the other boss."

Will I lose my last finger-hold on authority if I laugh?


Carol H. said...

Sally, I think you already did! LOL!

Carol H. said...

I say from experience...