January 19, 2009

I've Got Three Words For You

"My ear hurts."

Three little words with the power to unhinge my entire day. Forget the article I need to write and the conference call I scheduled and the birthday cake I should have baked last night. Yeah, we're looking at a keep you home from school - travel to the pediatrician - confirm an ear infection - wait at the pharmacy - pray for a nap that probably won't happen kind of a day. Beautiful.

It got me thinking about other three-word phrases, like "Is this yours?" Great when it's a stranger holding up a $20 bill; not so great when it's your boss holding up your offer letter from another company.

"Just forget it" brings a rush of relief when offered by a friend after a misunderstanding, yet the same three words are like a dare when flung over the shoulder of a spouse storming out during an argument.

I guess a lot of three-word phrases are situation-dependent, like "I swallowed it" from my preschooler. Button - bad. Migraine pill - worse. Mouthful of brussel sprouts - all right.

"Are you done?", "Who is it?" and "Just a minute!" can all signal happy, groovy things or portend grave interpersonal cataclysm.

"I love you." "Hug me tighter." "Hold me, Mama." "I missed you." Those are always music to my ears!


Anonymous said...

Pick me up.
I want it.
Uh oh, poopy...

That's my world these days!

Anonymous said...

"You're not pregnant" is definitely situational.

Anonymous said...

"She's MY mommy!"
"No, she's MINE!"
I know it's wrong, but I can't help feeling a little bit good when my tykes argue like that. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite? I want Daddy...

Anonymous said...

Sally, beautifully written as usual. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

My three words are "Hug my face." My little man rolls over and presses his cheek against mine, and sighs "Hug my face, Mama." What a life, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally,
Well let's see ..how about "I'm NOT going!...to school or to bed or to church" or mine of "We will see." when I really want to say no way!.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and insightful, Sally.

Anonymous said...

As always, great post!
"Never give up."

Anonymous said...

"You're a genius."

"Keep on truckin."

And I like smama's "Never give up"