May 08, 2009

Seven Things My Husband Reminded Me He Does Better Than I Do

#1. Deep cleaning. He gets that look in his eyes, cranks up the music, and leaves no stack, pile, or heap un-organized. And it's not clean until you can see your reflection in the laminated countertop.

#2. Clean the car. He has an aversion to sitting on milk-encrusted seats and grinding Cheerios under his driving heel. Ditto on the reflection on the dashboard, except that it is complemented by the familiar scent of industrial strength Armor All®.

#3. Balance the checkbook. To him, balancing the checkbook means reconciling our records with the bank's, not with my memory. (Ohhh, so that's how it's done!)

#4. Drive. His cat-like reflexes and mind-reading abilities have averted many accidents over the years. This I can attest to. I still think I can accurately estimate his rate of speed as he drives away in the morning, however, and I don't think he's a "better" driver than I; I just think we have different driving styles :)

#5. Make certain Italian specialties like sauce and chicken soup. No argument here.

#6. Put our daughter to bed at night - faster. He covers all the bases (brushing teeth, bedtime books, bathroom breaks, baby story, etc.) and does it in record time. Maybe it's a Mom thing, but I enjoy taking the long way around, although I do admire his efficiency.

#7. Remember things accurately. He concedes my ability to accurately recall details from 10 years ago. However, anything in the last five minutes is his territory.

I'm waiting for his list of seven things I do better. I'll let you know when I get it :)

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