March 07, 2018

Musings on a Middle Schooler

The same kid who laughs to the point of tears at YouTubers making absolute fools of themselves for millions of strangers will die a thousand deaths if I quietly hum along to the radio while driving carpool.

Comments on a Middler's appearance - even positive ones - will be met with suspicion and a change of clothes.

Every school day is a 7-hour competition. For everything.

When summoned to help un-freeze a Chromebook, shrink a pair of black leggings, inflate a basketball, confirm a spelling, sign a permission slip, or write a check, I will be dismissed the very instant I'm no longer needed.

Most days your brain and your body don't speak the same language.

Feed, hug, praise, question, expect, reassure. Repeat.

What do you notice about your Middler?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg this is soooo true! XO Sally! Lin