May 12, 2006

The Gift of a Lifetime

On Mother's Day last year a young woman gave her mother flowers and a card and breakfast in bed. She thanked her mother for the years of unconditional love and encouragement. She thanked her for keeping God's presence alive in their home. She thanked her for adopting her seventeen years ago and giving her the only life she was meant to have.

They held hands and prayed that they would find another mother who would love and encourage unconditionally, who would keep God's presence alive in her home, who would adopt the young woman's baby - due a month later - and give her the only life she was meant to have.

On Sunday I will celebrate my first Mother's Day as a Mom. I'll sleep an extra half hour, finally find out the surprise my husband's been teasing me about, and not have to wash any bottles all day.

We will hold hands and pray for this extraordinary young woman who will never teach her first-born child to hold a spoon, or sound out the words in The Pokey Little Puppy, or say her prayers before bed. But we will.

Our daughter will know our love for the rest of her life because of her birthmother's love at the start of it.

Happy Mother's Day to mothers and birthmother's everywhere.

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