December 30, 2006

Observations of an 18-month-old Girl

If she asks for help putting her shoes on, she doesn't want you to put them on for her; she wants you to change the world so that shoes go on more easily.

She is absolutely enchanting, even on her potty chair.

She loves to push buttons on the phone, the computer, the remote... but nothing tops pushing Mama's buttons at the end of a busy day.

She's incredibly intuitive. If you say something like, "We're late! Gosh dammit, where are my car keys?" she will understand that "dammit" is the only word worth turning into a song to sing for Grandma.

I love her more every minute.


Anonymous said...

Funny... especially yhe 'dammit' one, but they're all right on! Aymbr

Anonymous said...

A precious time that passes much too quickly. Carol H.

Karen said...

How 'bout the "phone radar"? My kids can be perfectly content playing with something until I get on the phone. Suddenly they HAVE to have me at this very moment or they'll explode. But kids are the best!

Anonymous said...

Until last week I was a rock star to my daughter (now 18 and a half months)and now she resists EVERYTHING. Diaper change, getting dressed, combing her hair... she pushes me away now. I hope it's a phase!