May 12, 2007

The Ultimate Mother's Day

Some days it seems like all I do is fill and refill. Just once, I'd like to have everything full at the same time.

My husband, my kid, and myself, so no one needs to be fed.

A drawer full of full pens. A head full of new ideas. A vase full of fresh flowers for inspiration.

I'd like to have the maximum recommended air pressure in all of our bicycle tires.

How about the diaper bag, the gym bag and the lawnmower gas can - all full at the same time?

My water bottle. My gas tank. My windshield wiper fluid. Full, full, and full.

The fire extinguisher, the first aid kit, the linen closet, sock drawers... dare I dream of a full can of new tennis balls?

I'd like for every box of tissues in the house to be full. Every spice jar in the rack and every cup in the egg carton... full.

How 'bout a full jug of soymilk to wash down my full cookie jar? And speaking of wash, I'd even like a full laundry hamper, so at least I'd know where I stand.

I'd like my printer full of toner, my fax machine full of paper, and my Inbox full of acceptance letters. My Outbox, of course, should brim with a column, a few articles, and a book manuscript - all complete and brilliantly crafted.

Please, for Mother's Day, will someone fill the ice cube trays? Fully charge the dust buster and fill my prescription? Would you replace my old, flattish pillow with a full, fluffy new one?

Maybe tomorrow morning (having gotten a full night's sleep) my husband and I will watch as our daughter is fully content playing by herself for a full five minutes. And maybe my husband will gaze at me with eyes full of love and a pot full of steaming coffee. And as I reflect with a full heart on our wonderfully full life, I'll know that although I usually see the glass as half-full, in fact, my cup runneth over. I hope yours does, too.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And that's just a few of the chores we have to do...