July 22, 2008


(Three year-old talking to herself during a time out in her crib)
crying, indignant blustering, etc.
Wait a minute. I can get out of this crib!
shuffling, rattling, muffled thuds
Aghhhh... I can't. Dennis! Den-nis! (calling Daddy by his first name!)
Awwwww! Can't somebody get me out of here?!

(Three year-old and her best friend, also three)
We're friends, Anna.
Yeah... friends forever.
I love each other.
Yeah. Next time we see each other we will hug.
And dance.


Anonymous said...

What were you doing in the crib?

Anonymous said...

OK, I missed this part in the first read,

"(calling Daddy by his first name!)".

I thought maybe you were speaking in some grand metaphor with Mommy in a time-out!

Nevermind. :)

Anonymous said...

Our little daughters, friends forever...Erin and Anna Ping