July 11, 2008

Every Mother Needs a Good FWOK

A FWOK is a "Friend WithOut Kids", and I've come to realize how much I rely on a good FWOK every now and then.

Sure, it's not easy to find a good FWOK, but it's so worth it. A good FWOK gives you a chance to forget about everyone else for a while and just focus on yourself and your needs. I always leave a good FWOK feeling refreshed and renewed... and looking forward to the next time.

The best FWOK I ever had is someone I count on for a reality check when I feel myself sliding down into the pit of self-absorbed motherhood. Having no kids, she is neither obsessed with nor even mildly interested in Developmental Milestones. She once asked, "Is that good?" when I told her that my two year-old can write her name. With either hand. In Sanskrit.

This FWOK is completely wild. She actually cooks on the front burners - with the pot handles turned out! She totally pushes the bounds of decency by leaving her sliding glass doors open with nothing but a flimsy screen between her and a set of concrete steps. Dice, coins, fancy earrings, lipstick, camera batteries, even permanent markers... she let's it all hang out and she doesn't care who touches it.

I've gotten used to living without sharp corners or a closed bathroom door, but I have to admit it's a thrill to hear her say things like, "Help yourself to my nail polish. It's in the second drawer... between the Ambien and the razor blades." Wow! Did I ever talk like that?

If you can't remember the last time you had a good FWOK, it means you're overdue. You deserve one!!

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