May 31, 2008

The Word of God

Last night I was ready for Most Precious Two Year-Old to go to bed before she was. With my strong recommendation she reluctantly pulled her pajamas on and dragged her toes all the way to the bathroom sink to wash her hands and brush her teeth. Sensing that her day was, in fact, ending despite her best efforts to the contrary, she repeatedly flicked the light on and off, on and off, on and off in an obvious attempt to gnaw through my one remaining nerve and claim "the win."

I finally put my hand over the light switch and declared, "The light stays off. No light." She immediately roared, "Yes, light! God said let there be light!"

Laugh? Cry? I did both and said (with misty eyes), "If God says it, we better do it. Let's have light."

"Mama, God said 'DON'T GO TO BED!'"

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