July 29, 2009

This Should Go Without Saying

1. Never, ever, ever put a lid on a box with your sister inside it.

2. Please don't glue beads to your brother's penis.
Even if he says it's OK.

3. No, you may not touch the ceiling fan while it's spinning to see if it will really chop your finger off. Assume that it will.

4. It's poop, Child! What did you think it would taste like?

5. Which of the following are things you may not do or play with even if all of your friends are allowed to and I'm the meanest mother on the planet and I don't understand anything?
a. BB gun
b. trampoline
c. pierce or tattoo your own or anyone else's body
d. anything stupid
e. all of the above
The correct answer is E. Thank you for playing.


Dave said...

Don't push your brother down the basement stairs in a laundy basket. The staircase is not a thrill ride, and no you may not have your turn riding down the stairs because he got to go first!
(True story, Matt and Pat about 6 & 4 at the time) :)

laurie said...

If you insist on putting non-food items such as jelly sandals in the broiler of the stove, please tell someone before your mother turns on the oven, Spencer. (age 2)

Again, Spencer, do not spray paint the car you bought yesterday. I don't care that you paid for it all by yourself. (age 22)

Some people never learn ...

Anonymous said...

Don't stand on top of papa's piano to get his antique toy cars.