May 30, 2018

Summer Time

I've noticed we tell time differently in the summer. We go by our experiences rather than the clock. It's not 11:30. It's How many minutes until the popsicles are ready? And 10 minutes to bedtime becomes When the peepers stop singing, it's off to bed. I like it. A lot.

How long can we stay at the lake?

When will the grill be hot?

It’s time for more sunscreen.

Can we make it to the end of the pier before the sun sets?

How long can we keep it?

Which is faster – urgent care or the emergency room?

It’s time for the cottonwood to fly.

How many more days until it comes out of the cocoon?

How long can I hold my breath under water? Time me!

When will the fireworks start?

Do we have time to look for rocks?

It takes longer to hike the blue trail than the red one.

Is it time to make s’mores yet?

How many more days until the blackberries are ripe?

Do we have time for one more ride?

And my favorite. When can we do this again?

I hope you enjoy your time this summer!

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